Do you use the latest version? Its doc says it supports incremental reading
right now[1].

> As we see it the current version of Flink CDC can’t handle the failover

If you configure the checkpoint, I think Flink CDC is able to recover from
the checkpoint when something goes wrong.

> only support a single instance.

It seems postgres limit, it only allows the follower to subscribe from the



Lasse Nedergaard <> 于2024年11月18日周一 18:36写道:

> Hi
> We have been playing around with Flink CDC and a postgresql in HA mode.
> Has anyone any experience with this and got it to work?
> As we see it the current version of Flink CDC can’t handle the failover
> and only support a single instance.
> Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
> Lasse Nedergaard

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