Dear Flink Community,
We are excited to share some important news with you! Flink Forward Asia 2024 is coming up with two major events: the first in Shanghai on November 29-30, and the second in Jakarta on December 5. These gatherings will focus on the latest developments, future plans, and production practices within the Apache Flink and Apache Paimon communities. For the first time since its inception in 2018, Flink Forward Asia is expanding into Southeast Asia, marking a significant milestone for the global Apache Flink community. Additionally, we’re pleased to announce the launch of our new website for Flink Forward Asia. You can find more information about the events at We look forward to open discussions on the latest advancements and innovative applications of Flink technology, and we encourage greater participation and influence within our community. Don’t miss out! Register now for Flink Forward Asia Jakarta 2024 or submit your presentations here: You can also register for Flink Forward Asia Shanghai 2024 or submit your presentations here: We hope to see you there! Best, Xintong