Hi Alexis,

Thanks for chiming in. To my knowledge and experience that’s not how it works – 
we can consistently succeed to run this job in batch mode on less data, but 
still considerably more data than would fit in memory. Also even on the full 
data, the initial source tasks always succeed. To my understanding flink in 
batch mode writes all the data produced by a source/operator to disk. It even 
can run on less memory than the equivalent streaming job, as it can process a 
small part of the data in a partition at once from/to disk, without having to 
keep the state of all the data at once in memory. At least that’s my 
observation and understanding of e.g. this documentation: 


From: Alexis Sarda-Espinosa <sarda.espin...@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, 18 September 2024 at 19:45
To: Simon Frei <simon.f...@spire.com>
Cc: user <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Re: unexpected high mem. usage / potential config misinterpretation

Hi Simon,

I hope someone corrects me if I'm wrong, but just based on "batch mode 
processing terabytes of data", I feel batch mode may be the issue. I am under 
the impression that batch mode forces everything emitted by the sources to RAM 
before any downstream operators do anything, so even if each parallel task of 
your source runs in a different task manager and loads a subset of your data, 
they might each end up trying to load terabytes into RAM.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable about batch mode can comment.


On Wed, 18 Sept 2024, 18:04 Simon Frei, 
<simon.f...@spire.com<mailto:simon.f...@spire.com>> wrote:

Flink batch streaming API job resident memory usage grows far beyond 
expectations, resulting in system OOM kill/JVM native memory allocation failure 
- would appreciate a look over our config/assumptions to potentially spot any 
obvious mistakes.

Longer form:

My colleague and I are troubleshooting a large batch job for a long time, and 
still experience behaviour around flinks memory usage we cannot explain. My 
hope is that by explaining our configuration and observations, someone can spot 
a misconception. And in the ideal case I can then send a PR for the 
documentation to hopefully make that misconception less likely for other users.

I'll start with an overview/"story-like" form, and then below that are some 

This is a streaming job run in batch mode, processing terabytes of data 
sourcing and sinking to compressed files in S3. In between there are a few 
simple decoding and filter operations, then two processors with our main 
business logic and finally a few simple transformations and reduce steps. While 
reduce and sink writer tasks run, we encounter much more resident memory usage 
of the flink TM java process than expected from configuration, i.e. higher than 
the configured process memory. And that leads to failures, either the system 
OOM killer intervening or the JVM not being able to mmap. I know that the 
writers do use native memory, e.g. for avro deflate compression, which is a 
native method. Also the IO likely uses some native memory. We now configure 5g 
of task off-heap memory to compensate for any such native memory usage, but 
still encounter higher memory usage. Even 5g seems way too much for some 
compression buffers and IO, let alone more than that. So currently my main 
theory is that I misunderstand something about the memory related config. E.g. 
that task slots factor into used/allocated memory.

We during the late stages of the job, i.e. during reduce and sink operations, 
we observe much higher memory usage than expected. The increase in memory usage 
isn't happening slowly, gradually over time, but quickly when those tasks 
start. This is an example of ps output for one TM:

        14961  130 94.8 32213536 30957104 ?   Sl   Sep12 7453:03 
/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-amazon-corretto.aarch64/bin/java -Xmx7435661840 
-Xms7435661840 -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=9663676416 
org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnTaskExecutorRunner -D 
taskmanager.memory.network.min=2147483648b -D taskmanager.cpu.cores=4.0 -D 
taskmanager.memory.task.off-heap.size=5368709120b -D 
taskmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size=268435456b -D external-resources=none -D 
taskmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.min=1073741824b -D 
taskmanager.memory.framework.off-heap.size=2147483648b -D 
taskmanager.memory.network.max=2147483648b -D 
taskmanager.memory.framework.heap.size=134217728b -D 
taskmanager.memory.managed.size=7328288240b -D 
taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size=7301444112b -D 
taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots=4 -D 
taskmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.max=1073741824b --configDir . 
-Dweb.port=0 -Djobmanager.memory.off-heap.size=134217728b 

For easier readability:
RSS = 30957104kB = 29.5GB

Then this is the relevant bit of our config file. It includes explanations of 
how we came up with those numbers, so here's where I hope someone can quickly 
tell me where I am wrong :)

        # We configure yarn to provide 24g to containers, rest for system. It 
turns out
        # yarn doesn't enforce that memory limit though (we exceeded it at 
        taskmanager.memory.process.size: 24g
        # We have 4 cores on the machine, so the flink default of task slots == 
vcpu is
        # fine (as in we make use of all cores).
        taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 4

        # Flink memory calculation/provisioning isn't entirely 
straight-forward, thus
        # explaining steps here (best resource:
        # Settings from 2022 (partly based on flink documentation 
        # Enable sort-based blocking shuffle and associated config 
        # This will become the default in 1.15.
        taskmanager.network.blocking-shuffle.compression.enabled: true
        taskmanager.network.sort-shuffle.min-parallelism: 1
        # batch-shuffle is taken from overall framework.off-heap, i.e. the 
latter needs
        # to be at least as big as the former.
        taskmanager.memory.framework.off-heap.batch-shuffle.size: 1024m
        taskmanager.memory.framework.off-heap.size: 2g
        # Number of 32K buffers (taskmanager.memory.segment-size), taken from 
network memory.
        taskmanager.network.sort-shuffle.min-buffers: 2048
        # Not sure why/if we need this, e.g. if it's related to the above. 
        # happened when removing it :)
        taskmanager.memory.network.min: 2g
        taskmanager.memory.network.max: 2g

        # We leave jvm settings at defaults:
        #   flink = process - jvm-overhead - jvm-metaspace = 24g - 1g - 0.25g = 
        # OOMs happened due to memory usage not part of flink (managed, 
network) or JVM
        # heap - some native allocations. To avoid that we reserve ample 
non-heap task
        # memory (memory flink will leave free). This might be too much, we 
        # optimize once it ran fine:
        taskmanager.memory.task.off-heap.size: 5g
        # Managed memory (useful for efficient flink data operations, e.g. 
        # caching) and heap remain to be set:
        #   flink = heap + managed + direct = heap + managed + network + 
framework + task-off-heap
        #         = heap + managed + 2g + 2g + 5g
        #   -> heap + managed = 22.75g - 2g - 2g - 5g = 13.75g
        # Metrics showed heap usage resp. garbage collection activity is very 
low at
        # ~10g, so it's fine to go even a bit lower in favor of more managed 
        # (used by flink for various operations directly on raw data e.g. 
        # caching, and documented to be needed/useful in batch mode):
        taskmanager.memory.managed.fraction: 0.2f
        #   heap = 13.75g - flink * managed-fraction = 13.75g - 22.75g * 0.2 = 

And just in case, listing a few things we do not see/have problems with: Heap 
memory usage/GC activity is low. No errors about missing network buffers or too 
little managed memory. All metrics we get from flink/JVM look perfectly fine, 
it's just the java process resident memory usage that is growing beyond what we 
expect and the following system level OOM.

I'd be immensely grateful for any pointers/feedback on the above. And I hope I 
can repay the kindness by improving the docs (memory or config), if any 
learnings apply to them.


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