Hi Kartik, The time for complete job erxpired in SessionCluster was controlled by conf `jobstore.expiration-time`[1].
Best, Yu Chen [1] https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.20/docs/deployment/config/#jobstore-expiration-time ________________________________________ 发件人: Kartik Kushwaha <kushwaha.karti...@gmail.com> 发送时间: 2024年8月31日 2:40 收件人: user@flink.apache.org 主题: Flink Web UI I've noticed that completed job details (single completed job) are being removed from the Flink web UI after a few hours. I haven't configured an archive directory or history server. Could you please explain how Flink clears these job details and after what timeframe? I couldn't find information on the default settings for this behavior. Anything on this will be helpful. Thanks.