Hi All,

Gentle reminder about bow query.


On Tue, 9 Jul, 2024, 1:42 pm banu priya, <banuke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a Flink job with a RMQ source, tumbling windows (fires for each
> 2s), an aggregator, then a RMQ sink. Incremental RocksDB checkpointing is
> enabled with an interval of 5 minutes.
> I was trying to understand Flink failure recovery. My checkpoint X is
> started, I have sent one event to my source. As windows are triggered every
> 2s, my sink is updated with the aggregated result. But when I checked the
> RabbitMQ console, my source queue still had unacked messages. (It is
> expected and it is as per design
> https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.19/docs/connectors/datastream/rabbitmq/#rabbitmq-source
> ).
> Now I restarted my task manager, as restart happens within the same
> checkpoint interval and checkpoint X has not yet completed. The message is
> not acknowledged and is sent again. Duplicate processing of events happens.
> How to avoid these duplicates?
> Thanks
> Banu

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