Hi Wang, Thanks a lot for your reply.
Currently I have 2s window and check point interval as 10s. Minimum pass between check point is 5s. What happens is my check points size is growing gradually. I checked the content inside my rocks db local dir and also the shared checkpoints directory. Inside chk-x, I have _metaspace file which shows list of .sst files referred by that check point. In that I can see that my very old .sst file is still present. I was expecting it to be cleaned. Not all old sst files are present. Few are removed (i think it is because of compaction). Now how can I maintain check points size under control??. How can I find idle check point size of my project, I found below link but it is not talking about parallelism. https://www.ververica.com/blog/how-to-size-your-apache-flink-cluster-general-guidelines Any help would really be appreciated :). Thanks Banu On Wed, 19 Jun, 2024, 9:38 am banu priya, <banuke...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi All, > > I have a flink job with key by, tumbling window(2sec window time &uses > processing time)and aggregator. > > How often should I run the check point??I don't need the data to be > retained after 2s. > > I want to use incremental check point with rocksdb. > > > Thanks > Banupriya >