Hi, Fokou Toukam.

This error occurs when the schema in the sink mismatches the schema you
provided from the upstream.
You may need to check whether the provided type of field `features` in sink
is the same as the type in the provided upstream.


Fokou Toukam, Thierry <thierry.fokou-touka...@ens.etsmtl.ca> 于2024年6月6日周四

> Hi, i'm trying to deploy flink job but i have this error. How to solve it
> please?
> *Thierry FOKOU *| * IT M.A.Sc <http://M.A.Sc> Student*
> Département de génie logiciel et TI
> École de technologie supérieure  |  Université du Québec
> 1100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
> Montréal (Québec)  H3C 1K3
> [image: image001] <http://etsmtl.ca/>

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