Hi, Suppose my pipeline is:
data .keyBy(new MyKeySelector()) .window(TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.seconds(60))) .allowedLateness(Time.seconds(180)) .reduce(new MyDataReducer()) So I wanted to know if the final output stream would contain reduced data at the end of the window mark and also another reduced data at the end of allowed lateness ? If that is the case, then the reduced data at the end of allowed lateness would also include the data from non late records or it will only include reduced data from late records. Example If I have data in sequence: [window start], d1, d2, d3, [window end], late d4, late d5, late d6, [end of allowed lateness] The resultant stream after window and reduce operation would be: [ reduceData (d1, d2, d3), reducedData(late d4, late d5, late d6) ] or [ reduceData (d1, d2, d3), reducedData(ld1, d2, d3, late d4, late d5, late d6) ] or something else ? Also if I want the reduced data from late records to not include the data emitted within the window bounds, how can I do the same ? or if this is handled as default case ? Thanks Sachin