Is it intentional, that you are using iceberg-flink-runtime-1.16-1.3.1.jar with 1.18.0 PyFlink? This might cause issues later. I would try to synchronize the Flink versions throughout all the dependencies.
On Tue, Apr 16, 2024, 11:23 Robert Prat <> wrote: > I finally managed to make it work following the advice of Robin Moffat who > replied to the earlier email: > > *There's a lot of permutations that you've described, so it's hard to take > one reproducible test case here to try and identify the error :)* > *It certainly looks JAR related. You could try adding > hadoop-hdfs-client-3.3.4.jar to your Flink ./lib folder. * > > *The other route I would go is look at a functioning Flink -> > Iceberg/Nessie environment and work backwards from there. This looks like a > good place to start: > > <>* > > I managed to follow the dremio blog and get itt to work. I'm sharing my > dockerfile in case it might help anyone with a similar issue in the future: > > FROM flink:1.18.0-scala_2.12 > > ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive > COPY packages.txt . > RUN apt-get update && xargs -a packages.txt apt-get -y install && apt-get > autoremove > RUN mkdir -p /var/run/vsftpd/empty/ > ENV TZ=Europe/Madrid > ENV AWS_REGION=eu-west-1 > RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > > /etc/timezone > > COPY requirements.txt . > RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt > > > *## RabbitMQ connector flink-sql-connector-rabbitmq-3.0.1-1.17.jar > org/apache/flink/flink-sql-connector-rabbitmq/3.0.1-1.17* > RUN curl -L > > -o /opt/flink/lib/flink-sql-connector-rabbitmq-3.0.1-1.17.jar > > *## Iceberg Flink Library* > RUN curl -L > > -o /opt/flink/lib/iceberg-flink-runtime-1.16-1.3.1.jar > > *## Hive Flink Library* > RUN curl -L > > -o /opt/flink/lib/flink-sql-connector-hive-2.3.9_2.12-1.16.1.jar > > *## Hadoop Common Classes* > RUN curl -L > > -o /opt/flink/lib/hadoop-common-2.8.3.jar > > *## Hadoop AWS Classes* > RUN curl -L > > -o /opt/flink/lib/flink-shaded-hadoop-2-uber-2.8.3-10.0.jar > > *## AWS Bundled Classes* > RUN curl -L > > -o /opt/flink/lib/bundle-2.20.18.jar > > > Where my requirements.txt looks like this: > > apache-flink-libraries==1.18.0 > apache-flink==1.18.0 > > And the packages.txt is: > > curl > findutils > python3-pip > python3-requests > python3-software-properties > python-is-python3 > > I'm not sure I need all the Jars in the dockerfile but as they say *if it > ain't broke, don't fix it.* > ------------------------------ > *From:* Robert Prat <> > *Sent:* Friday, April 12, 2024 3:45 PM > *To:* <> > *Subject:* Pyflink w Nessie and Iceberg in S3 Jars > > Hi there, > > For several days I have been trying to find the right configuration for my > pipeline which roughly consists in the following schema > RabbitMQ->PyFlink->Nessie/Iceberg/S3. > > For what I am going to explain I have tried both locally and through the > official Flink docker images. > > I have tried several different flink versions, but for simplicity let's > say I am using the apache-flink==1.18.0 version. So far I have been able to > use the jar in org/apache/iceberg/iceberg-flink-runtime-1.18 to connect to > RabbitMQ and obtain the data from some streams, so I'd say the source side > is working. > > After that I have been trying to find a way to send the data in those > streams to Iceberg in S3 through Nessie Catalog which is the one I have > working. I have been using this pipeline with both Spark and Trino for some > time now so I know it is working. Now what I am "simply" trying to do is to > use my already set up Nessie catalog through flink. > > I have tried to connect both directly through the in the bin > of pyflink dir and through python as > table_env.execute_sql(f""" > CREATE CATALOG nessie WITH ( > 'type'='iceberg', > 'catalog-impl'='org.apache.iceberg.nessie.NessieCatalog', > 'io-impl'='', > 'uri'='http://mynessieip:mynessieport/api/v1', > 'ref'='main', > 'warehouse'='s3a://mys3warehouse', > 's3-access-key-id'='{USER_AWS}', > 's3-secret-access-key'='{KEY_AWS}', > 's3-path-style-access'='true', > 'client-region'='eu-west-1')""") > > The Jars I have included (One of the many combinations I've tried with no > result) in my pyflink/lib dir (i also tried to add them with env.add_jars > or --jarfile) are: > > - hadoop-aws-3.4.0.jar > - iceberg-flink-runtime-1.18-1.5.0.jar > - hadoop-client-3.4.0.jar > - hadoop-common-3.4.0.jar > - hadoop-hdfs-3.4.0.jar > > > Right now I am getting the following error message: > > py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling > o56.executeSql. > : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/hdfs/HdfsConfiguration > (...) > Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: > org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration... > > > But I have gotten several different errors in all the different Jar > combinations I have tried. So my request is, does anybody know if my > problem is JAR related or if I am doing something else wrong? I would be > immensely grateful if someone could guide me to the right steps to > implement this pipeline. > > Thanks:) > > >