Hi, I have a following windowing step in my pipeline:
inputData .keyBy(new MyKeySelector()) .window( TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.seconds(60))) .reduce(new MyReducer()) .name("MyReducer"); Same step when I see in Flink UI shows as: Window(TumblingEventTimeWindows(60000), EventTimeTrigger, MyReducer, PassThroughWindowFunction) :- Sink: MyData sink +- Filter So far I don't see any errors in the pipeline. However when I check the following metrics: 0.MyReducer.numRecordsInPerSecond = 600 / s 0.MyReducer.numRecordsOutPerSecond = 0 / s It shows that the step is receiving data but it is not outputting anything. Looks like some problem in the step. Most obvious thing that I can deduce is that the window step may not be outputting any record. Also MyReducer is a pretty simple function and it does not catch any exception, so if there was a problem in this function it would have been thrown to the pipeline and I would have known. Please let me know how I can debug this better. Thanks Sachin