Zhanghao is correct.  You can use what is called "keyed state".  It's like a 


> On Mar 28, 2024, at 7:48 PM, Zhanghao Chen <zhanghao.c...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> You can maintain a cache manually in your operator implementations. You can 
> load the initial cached data on the operator open() method before the 
> processing starts. However, this would set up a cache per task instance. If 
> you'd like to have a cache shared by all processing tasks without 
> duplication, you might set up a Redis service externally for that purpose.
> Best,
> Zhanghao Chen
> From: Ganesh Walse <ganesh.wa...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2024 4:45
> To: user@flink.apache.org <user@flink.apache.org>
> Subject: Flink cache support
> Hi Team,
> In my project my requirement is to cache data from the oracle database where 
> the number of tables are more and the same data will be required for all the 
> transactions to process.
> Can you please suggest the approach where cache should be 1st loaded in 
> memory then stream processing should start.
> Thanks & regards,
> Ganesh Walse.

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