Hi Jacob.

Flink uses "notification" to let an operator callback the completion of a
checkpoint. After gathering all checkpoint done messages from TMs, JM sends
a "notify checkpoint completed" RPC to all TMs. Operators will handle this
notification, where checkpoint success callbacks are invoked. For example,
Kafka sources commit the current consuming offset. I think this doc (
may be helpful.

You can override the `notifyCheckpointComlete()` to customize the behavior
of handling checkpoint completion.

Best regards Rui Xia

On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 3:03 AM Jacob Rollings <jacobrolling...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I am implementing proof of concepts based Flink realtime streaming
> solutions.
> I came across below lines in out-of-the-box Flink Kafka connector
> documents.
> *https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/connectors/datastream/kafka/*
> <https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/connectors/datastream/kafka/>
> *Consumer Offset Committing #
> <https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/connectors/datastream/kafka/#consumer-offset-committing>*
> *Kafka source commits the current consuming offset when checkpoints
> are completed, for ensuring the consistency between Flink’s checkpoint
> state and committed offsets on Kafka brokers*.
> How is Flink able to control the callbacks from checkpointing? Is there a
> way to override this into my implementations. I have multiple upstream
> sources to connect to depending on the business model which are not Kafka.
> Based on criticality of the system and publisher dependencies, we cannot
> switch to Kafka for these. So I was hoping to do the same which kafka
> connector is doing.
> Cheers,
> JR

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