Hi, Kirti.

Could you please provide the stack trace of this NPE? I check the code and
I think maybe the problem lies in LocalFileSystem#listStatus.
The code in line 161[1] may return null, which will let
LocalFileSystem#listStatus return null. Then the `containedFiles` is null
and the NPE occurs.
I think we should add code to handle this situation as follows.
final FileStatus[] containedFiles = fs.listStatus(fileStatus.getPath());
if (containedFiles == null) {
    throw new FlinkRuntimeException("Cannot list files under " +
for (FileStatus containedStatus : containedFiles) {
    addSplitsForPath(containedStatus, fs, target);



Kirti Dhar Upadhyay K via user <user@flink.apache.org> 于2024年3月6日周三 18:10写道:

> Hi Team,
> I am using Flink File Source with Local File System.
> I am facing an issue, if source directory does not has read permission, it
> is returning the list of files as null instead of throwing permission
> exception (refer the highlighted line below), resulting in NPE.
> final FileStatus[] containedFiles = fs.listStatus(fileStatus.getPath());
> for (FileStatus containedStatus : containedFiles) {
>     addSplitsForPath(containedStatus, fs, target);
> }
> Debugging the issue found that, SecurityManager is coming as null while
> listing the files, hence skipping the permissions on directory.
> What is the way to set SecurityManager in Flink?
> Regards,
> Kirti Dhar

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