Hi all,

I am currently facing the problem of having a pipeline (DataStream API) where I 
need to split a GenericRecord into its fields and then aggregate all the values 
of a particular field into 30 minute windows. Therefore, if I were to use only 
a keyBy field name, I would send all the values of a field to the same parallel 
instance of the cluster. This is bad as the stream is quite large (15k 
events/second). What I want to achieve is a more even distribution of events 
across the different taskmanagers.

Currently, I assign a "rolling" number (between 0 and maximum parallelism) to 
the field name as a secondary key component and use this combination as keyBy. 
This leads to "partitioned" events, which I have to recombine in a second step 
by using only the field name of the composite key.


I tested this approach and it works but when looking at the Flink WebUI, I see 
that some taskmanagers handle substantially more load than others (few million 
records difference). I also had a look at the partitionCustom() but this 
doesn’t work for KeyedStreams right? Did someone else face a related issue? Any 
suggestions how I can distribute events with the same key more evenly?

Kind Regards

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