Hi Niklas!

The best way to report the issue would be to open a JIRA ticket with the
same detailed information.

Otherwise I think your observations are correct and this is indeed a
frequent problem that comes up, it would be good to improve on it. In
addition to improving logging we could also increase the default timeout
and if we could actually do something on the timeout that would be even

Please open the JIRA ticket and if you have time to work on these
improvements I will assign it to you.


On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM Niklas Wilcke <niklas.wil...@uniberg.com>

> Hi Flink Kubernetes Operator Community,
> I hope this is the right way to report an issue with the Apache Flink
> Kubernetes Operator. We are experiencing problems with some streaming job
> clusters which end up in a terminated state, because of the operator not
> behaving as expected. The problem is that the teardown of the Flink cluster
> by the operator doesn't succeed in the default timeout of 1 minute. After
> that the operator proceeds and tries to create a fresh cluster, which
> fails, because parts of the cluster still exist. After that it tries to
> fully remove the cluster including the HA metadata. After that it is stuck
> in an error loop that manual recovery is necessary, since the HA metadata
> is missing. At the very bottom of the mail you can find an condensed log
> attached, which hopefully gives a more detailed impression about the
> problem.
> The current workaround is to increase the 
> "kubernetes.operator.resource.cleanup.timeout"
> [0] to 10 minutes. Time will tell whether this workaround fixes the
> problem for us.
> The main problem I see is that the
> method AbstractFlinkService.waitForClusterShutdown(...) [1] isn't handling
> a timeout at all. Please correct me in case I missed a detail, but this is
> how we experience the problem. In case one of the service, the jobmanagers
> or the taskmanagers survives the cleanup timeout (of 1 minute), the
> operator seems to proceed as if the entities have been removed properly. To
> me this doesn't look good. From my point of view at least an error should
> be logged.
> Additionally the current logging makes it difficult to analyse the problem
> and to be notified about the timeout. The following things could possibly
> be improved or implemented.
>    1. Successful removal of the entities should be logged.
>    2. Timing out isn't logged (An error should probably be logged here)
>    3. For some reason the logging of the waited seconds is somehow
>    incomplete (L944, further analysis needed)
> We use the following Flink and Operator versions:
> Flink Image: flink:1.17.1 (from Dockerhub)
> Operator Version: 1.6.1
> I hope this description is well enough to get into touch and discuss the
> matter. I'm open to provide additional information or with some guidance,
> provide a patch to resolve the issue.
> Thanks for your work on the Operator. It is highly appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Niklas
> [0]
> https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-kubernetes-operator-docs-main/docs/operations/configuration/
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator/blob/main/flink-kubernetes-operator/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/kubernetes/operator/service/AbstractFlinkService.java#L903
> #############################################################################################
> # The job in the cluster failed
> Event  | Info    | JOBSTATUSCHANGED | Job status changed from RUNNING to
> Stopping failed Flink job...
> Status | Error   | FAILED          |
> {""type"":""org.apache.flink.util.SerializedThrowable"",""message"":"
> "org.apache.flink.runtime.JobException: Recovery is suppressed by
> FixedDelayRestartBackoffTimeStrategy(maxNumberRestartAttempts=5,
> backoffTimeMS=30000)"",""additionalMetadata"":{},""throwableList"":[{""type"":""org.apache.flink.util.SerializedThrowable"",""message"":""org
> .apache.flink.util.FlinkExpectedException: The TaskExecutor is shutting
> down."",""additionalMetadata"":{}}]}
>  Deleting JobManager deployment while preserving HA metadata.
> Deleting cluster with Foreground propagation
> Waiting for cluster shutdown... (10s)
> Waiting for cluster shutdown... (30s)
> Waiting for cluster shutdown... (40s)
> Waiting for cluster shutdown... (45s)
> Waiting for cluster shutdown... (50s)
> Resubmitting Flink job...
> Cluster shutdown completed.
> Deploying application cluster
> Event  | Info    | SUBMIT          | Starting deployment
> Submitting application in 'Application Mode
> Deploying application cluster
> ...
> Event  | Warning | CLUSTERDEPLOYMENTEXCEPTION | Could not create
> Kubernetes cluster ""<cluster>""
>  Status | Error   | FAILED          |
> {""type"":""org.apache.flink.kubernetes.operator.exception.ReconciliationException"",""message"":""org.apache.flink.client.deployment.ClusterDeploymentException:
> Could not create Kubernetes cluster
> \""<cluster\""."",""additionalMetadata"":{},""throwableList"":[{""type"":""org.apache.flink.client.deployment.ClusterDeploymentException"",""message"":""Could
> not create Kubernetes cluster
> \""<cluster>\""."",""additionalMetadata"":{}},{""type"":""org.apache.flink.kubernetes.shaded.io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException"",""message"":""Failure
> executing: POST at:
> Message: object is being deleted: deployments.apps \""<cluster>\"" already
> exists. Received status: Status(apiVersion=v1, code=409,
> details=StatusDetails(causes=[], group=apps, kind=deployments,
> name=<cluster>, retryAfterSeconds=null, uid=null, additionalProperties={}),
> kind=Status, message=object is being deleted: deployments.apps
> \""<cluster>\"" already exists, metadata=ListMeta(_continue=null,
> remainingItemCount=null, resourceVersion=null, selfLink=null,
> additionalProperties={}), reason=AlreadyExists, status=Failure,
> additionalProperties={})."",""additionalMetadata"":{}}]} "
> ...
> Event  | Warning | RECOVERDEPLOYMENT | Recovering lost deployment"
> Deploying application cluster requiring last-state from HA metadata
> Event  | Info    | SUBMIT          | Starting deployment
> Flink recovery failed
> Event  | Warning | RESTOREFAILED   | HA metadata not available to restore
> from last state. It is possible that the job has finished or terminally
> failed, or the configmaps have been deleted. Manual restore required."
> # Here the deadlock / endless loop starts
> #############################################################################################

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