Thanks Zakelly and Junrui.
I was actually exploring RocksDB as a state backend and I thought maybe Redis 
could offer more features as a state backend. For e.g. maybe state sharing 
between operators, geo-red of state, partitioning etc. I understand these are 
not native use cases for Flink, but maybe something that can be considered in 
future. Maybe even as an off the shelf state backend framework which allows 
embedding any other cache as a state backend. 
The links you shared are useful and will really help me. Really appreciate it.
    On Tuesday, 30 January, 2024 at 01:43:14 pm IST, Zakelly Lan 
<> wrote:  
 And I found some previous discussion, FYI:1.

Hope this helps.
On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 4:08 PM Zakelly Lan <> wrote:

Hi Chirag
That's an interesting idea. IIUC, storing key-values can be simply implemented 
for Redis, but supporting checkpoint and recovery is relatively challenging. 
Flink's checkpoint should be consistent among all stateful operators at the 
same time. For an embedded and file-based key value store like RocksDB, it is 
easier to implement by uploading files of specific time asynchronously.
Moreover if you want to store your state basically in memory, then why not 
using the HashMapStateBackend. It saves the overhead of serialization and 
deserialization and may achieve better performance compared with Redis I guess.

On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 2:15 PM Chirag Dewan via user <> 

I was looking at the FLIP-254: Redis Streams Connector and I was wondering if 
Flink ever considered Redis as a state backend? And if yes, why was it 
discarded compared to RocksDB? 
If someone can point me towards any deep dives on why RocksDB is a better fit 
as a state backend, it would be helpful.


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