Hello, Praveen

According to the Flink release-2.0 wiki page (
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/2.0+Release), there is a
must-have task to remove Java 8 support. Therefore, Flink plans to remove
support for Java 8 in the upcoming release-2.0.

Best regards,


Praveen Chandna <praveen.chan...@ericsson.com> 于2023年12月18日周一 18:14写道:

> Thanks a lot for your reply.
> Is there any expected timelines when the Java 8 support will be removed ?
> Thanks !!
> *From:* Junrui Lee <jrlee....@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* 18 December 2023 14:37
> *To:* Praveen Chandna <praveen.chan...@ericsson.com>
> *Cc:* Praveen Chandna via user <user@flink.apache.org>
> *Subject:* Re: Java 8 support in Flink 1.18
> Hello, Praveen
> Java 8 is still supported in the latest Flink 1.18 release despite its
> deprecation. You can continue using Java 8 for now. However, deprecation
> serves as a warning that in future releases, Java 8 may no longer be
> supported. It is recommended that you begin planning your migration to Java
> 11.
> Best regards,
> Junrui
> Praveen Chandna via user <user@flink.apache.org> 于2023年12月18日周一 16:19写道:
> Hello Team
> As per the Flink 1.15 release notes, Java 8 support has been deprecated.
> Will there be any impact ? Can I continue to use Java 8 or is there any
> risk ?
> Thanks !!
> // Regards
> Praveen Chandna

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