Don't use the RestClusterClient; you can generate one from the openapi spec (see the docs).
On 16/11/2023 20:36, Adrian Alexandru Vasiliu wrote:
For a programmatic use in Java of the Flink REST API, which of these 
options would be the best choice?
 1. Direct use via a REST client
 2. The RestClusterClient

RestClusterClient is appealing, because it embeds a bunch of code that we wouldn't need to write and maintain.
But I also see reasons to stay away from it:

 1. Its javadoc
    be found by searching the web (versioned per version of Flink /
    flink-clients), but I didn't find a user documentation.
    <> doesn't
    seem to mention RestClusterClient.
 2. Its API isn't marked @Public nor @PublicEvolving.
    In 2019, Till Rohrmann (Flink PMC member) wrote: "Flink's cluster
    REST API has been designed to work with any REST client. The
    RestClusterClient which comes with the flink-clients module is
    intended for internal usage."
    If at a later time we would bring authentication to the Flink REST
    API, say via nginx proxy side-car, RestClusterClient wouldn't know
    how to deal with it.

Do I miss something?
Would the community nowadays recommend using RestClusterClient, at least in situations without authentication?
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