Hi, Alex! Yes, in PyFlink the various flatmap and process functions are implemented as generator functions, so they use yield to emit results.
David On Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 1:16 PM Alexander Fedulov < alexander.fedu...@gmail.com> wrote: > Java ProcessFunction API defines a clear way to collect data via the > Collector object. > > PyFlink documentation also refers to the Collector [1] , but it is not > being passed to the function and is also nowhere to be found in the pyflink > source code. > How can multiple elements be collected? Is "yield" the designated way to > achieve this? > > [1] > https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/api/python/pyflink.datastream.html#pyflink.datastream.CoProcessFunction.process_element1 > > Best, > Alex >