Hi Xuyang,

Thank you for your response. Since, I have no access to create a ticket in
the ASF jira I have requested for the access and once I get the access will
raise a ticket for the same.

Also, you have asked me to use Datastream API to extract the id and then
use the TableAPI feature, since I have not used the Datastream API, could
you help me with any example if possible, meanwhile i will try to do some
learning on using the DataStream API.


On Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 7:34 AM Xuyang <xyzhong...@163.com> wrote:

> Hi, Flink SQL doesn't support a inline field in struct type as pk. You can
> try to raise an issue about this feature in community[1].
> For a quick solution, you can try to transform it by DataStream API first
> by extracting the 'id' and then convert it to Table API to use SQL.
> [1]
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/FLINK/issues/FLINK-33400?filter=allopenissues
> --
>     Best!
>     Xuyang
> At 2023-10-30 16:42:03, "elakiya udhayanan" <laks....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi team,
> I have a Kafka topic named employee which uses confluent avro schema and
> will emit the payload as below:
> {
> "employee": {
> "id": "123456",
> "name": "sampleName"
> }
> }
> I am using the upsert-kafka connector to consume the events from the above
> Kafka topic as below using the Flink SQL DDL statement, also here I want to
> use the id field as the Primary key. But I am unable to use the id field
> since it is inside the object.
> DDL Statement:
> String statement = "CREATE TABLE Employee (\r\n" +
> "  employee  ROW(id STRING, name STRING\r\n" +
> "  ),\r\n" +
> "  PRIMARY KEY (employee.id) NOT ENFORCED\r\n" +
> ") WITH (\r\n" +
> "  'connector' = 'upsert-kafka',\r\n" +
> "  'topic' = 'employee',\r\n" +
> "  'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'kafka-cp-kafka:9092',\r\n" +
> "  'key.format' = 'raw',\r\n" +
> "  'value.format' = 'avro-confluent',\r\n" +
> "  'value.avro-confluent.url' = 'http://kafka-cp-schema-registry:8081',\r\n"
> +
> ")";
> Any help is appreciated TIA
> Thanks,
> Elakiya

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