Hello, We just adopted the flink operator. According to this link https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/deployment/resource-providers/native_kubernetes/ it prescribes a pod template containing among other things the following:
containers: # Do not change the main container name - name: flink-main-container I would actually like to change this name for each of my different flink microservices, because having a bunch of microservices with the same container name messes terribly with the container-based metrics and dashboards of our monitoring system. I'd like to try to understand if possible why this comment is there, and how seriously should I take it ? What will break, concretely, if I change it, please ? I tried going through the operator code itself but couldn't find anything concrete. Any help to understand the underlying constraints will be very welcome. Thank you very much!