That solved it!! Thank you so much!

On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 4:32 PM Mate Czagany <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Please look into using 'kubernetes.decorator.hadoop-conf-mount.enabled'
> [1] that was added for use cases where the user wishes to skip adding these
> Hadoop mount decorators. It's true by default, but by setting it to false
> Flink won't add this mount.
> [1]
> Regards,
> Mate
> Raihan Sunny via user <> ezt írta (időpont: 2023.
> okt. 19., Cs, 11:48):
>> Hi,
>> I've been using HDFS with Flink for checkpoint and savepoint storage
>> which works perfectly fine. Now I have another use case where I want to
>> read and write to HDFS from the application code as well. For this, I'm
>> using the "pyarrow" library which is already installed with PyFlink as a
>> dependency.
>> According to the pyarrow documentation [1], HADOOP_HOME and CLASSPATH
>> environment variables are mandatory. As per the Flink documentation [2],
>> HADOOP_CLASSPATH must be set.
>> I'm using Flink Kubernetes Operator to deploy my application and the
>> issue arises only when I'm using the native mode. When I deploy the
>> application with all the variables above, the JobManager starts up but the
>> TaskManager fails to start with the following error from Kubernetes:
>> MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "hadoop-config-volume" : configmap
>> "hadoop-config-flink-job" not found
>> It also seems to set a HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable on the
>> TaskManager with the value "/opt/hadoop/conf" which doesn't exist as my
>> hadoop installation is elsewhere. If I run the job on standalone mode,
>> everything seems to work fine as the TaskManager doesn't look for a
>> "hadoop-config-volume" to mount. Here's the YAML file for reference:
>> apiVersion:
>> kind: FlinkDeployment
>> metadata:
>>   name: flink-job
>>   namespace: flink
>> spec:
>>   image: <IMAGE_NAME>
>>   imagePullPolicy: Always
>>   flinkVersion: v1_17
>>   flinkConfiguration:
>>     taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: "1"
>>     state.savepoints.dir:
>> hdfs://hdfs-namenode-0.hdfs-namenodes.hdfs:8020/flink-data/savepoints
>>     state.checkpoints.dir:
>> hdfs://hdfs-namenode-0.hdfs-namenodes.hdfs:8020/flink-data/checkpoints
>>     high-availability:
>> org.apache.flink.kubernetes.highavailability.KubernetesHaServicesFactory
>>     high-availability.storageDir:
>> hdfs://hdfs-namenode-0.hdfs-namenodes.hdfs:8020/flink-data/ha
>>     execution.checkpointing.interval: "3s"
>>     execution.checkpointing.unaligned: "true"
>>     execution.checkpointing.timeout: "30m"
>>   serviceAccount: flink
>>   podTemplate:
>>     spec:
>>       imagePullSecrets:
>>         - name: <IMAGE_PULL_SECRET>
>>       containers:
>>         - name: flink-main-container
>>           env:
>>             - name: HADOOP_HOME
>>               value: /hadoop-3.2.1
>>             - name: CLASSPATH
>>               value: <redacted>
>>             - name: HADOOP_CLASSPATH
>>               value: <redacted>
>>   jobManager:
>>     resource:
>>       memory: "1024m"
>>       cpu: 0.5
>>   taskManager:
>>     resource:
>>       memory: "1024m"
>>       cpu: 0.5
>>   job:
>>     jarURI: local:///opt/flink/opt/flink-python_2.12-1.17.0.jar
>>     entryClass: "org.apache.flink.client.python.PythonDriver"
>>     args: ["python", "-pym", "flink_job"]
>>     parallelism: 1
>>     upgradeMode: savepoint
>>     state: running
>>     savepointTriggerNonce: 0
>> Please note that I've also tried by installing hadoop to "/opt/" and
>> symlinking the "conf" directory as expected by HADOOP_CONF_DIR. This also
>> didn't work.
>> As mentioned before, if I add "mode: standalone", this job runs without
>> any problem. But since the autoscaling feature only works on the native
>> mode, I need to get it working there. Any help is appreciated.
>> Versions:
>> Flink - 1.17.1
>> PyFlink - 1.17.1
>> Flink Kubernetes Operator - 1.5.0
>> - [1]
>> - [2]
>> Thanks,
>> Sunny
>> [image: SELISE]
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