Hi Flink Community, Most of the Flink applications run on 1.14 at my company. After upgrading the Flink Operator to 1.6, we've seen many jobmanager pods show "JobManagerDeploymentStatus: MISSING".
Here are some logs from the operator pod on one of our Flink applications: [m [33m2023-10-18 02:02:40,823 [m [36mo.a.f.k.o.l.AuditUtils [m [32m[INFO ][nemo/nemo-streaming-users-identi-updates] >>> Event | Warning | SAVEPOINTERROR | Savepoint failed for savepointTriggerNonce: null ... [m [33m2023-10-18 02:02:40,883 [m [36mo.a.f.k.o.l.AuditUtils [m [32m[INFO ][nemo/nemo-streaming-users-identi-updates] >>> Event | Warning | CLUSTERDEPLOYMENTEXCEPTION | Status have been modified externally in version 17447422864 Previous: <redacted> ... [m [33m2023-10-18 02:02:40,919 [m [36mi.j.o.p.e.ReconciliationDispatcher [m [1;31m[ERROR][nemo/nemo-streaming-users-identi-updates] Error during event processing ExecutionScope{ resource id: ResourceID{name='nemo-streaming-users-identi-updates', namespace='nemo'}, version: 17447420285} failed. ... org.apache.flink.kubernetes.operator.exception.ReconciliationException: org.apache.flink.kubernetes.operator.exception.StatusConflictException: Status have been modified externally in version 17447422864 Previous: <redacted> ... [m [33m2023-10-18 02:03:03,273 [m [36mo.a.f.k.o.o.d.ApplicationObserver [m [1;31m[ERROR][nemo/nemo-streaming-users-identi-updates] Missing JobManager deployment ... [m [33m2023-10-18 02:03:03,295 [m [36mo.a.f.k.o.l.AuditUtils [m [32m[INFO ][nemo/nemo-streaming-users-identi-updates] >>> Event | Warning | MISSING | Missing JobManager deployment [m [33m2023-10-18 02:03:03,295 [m [36mo.a.f.c.Configuration [m [33m[WARN ][nemo/nemo-streaming-users-identi-updates] Config uses deprecated configuration key 'high-availability' instead of proper key 'high-availability.type' This seems related to this email thread: https://www.mail-archive.com/user@flink.apache.org/msg51439.html. However, I believe that we're not seeing the HA metadata getting deleted. What could cause the JobManagerDeploymentStatus to be MISSING? Thanks, Tony -- <http://www.robinhood.com/> Tony Chen Software Engineer Menlo Park, CA Don't copy, share, or use this email without permission. If you received it by accident, please let us know and then delete it right away.