
The FlinkKinesisProducer is deprecated in favour of the KinesisSink. The
new sink does not rely on KPL, so this would not be a problem here. Is
there a reason you are using the FlinkKinesisProducer instead of

Thanks for the deep dive, generally speaking I agree it would be
possible/useful to add a separate config for metrics. However since this
connector is deprecated we will not be adding new features, unless there is
a strong reason to do so.



On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 5:45 PM Diem, Chase via user <user@flink.apache.org>

> Hey Team,
> Looking for some thoughts here:
>    - We have a Kinesis Producer that produces to a topic in another AWS
>    account
>    - The producer allows for configurations to set credentials for that
>    account:
> https://github.com/apache/flink-connector-aws/blob/main/flink-connector-aws/flink-connector-kinesis/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/streaming/connectors/kinesis/util/KinesisConfigUtil.java#L494
>    - We DO NOT have access produce to their Cloudwatch.  We would prefer
>    to produce the metrics to our own account instead.
>    - The AWS *KinesisProducerConfiguration* supports setting separate
>    credentials for both the producer and Cloudwatch, but the
>    *KinesisConfigUtil* does not support it:
> https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-kinesis-producer/blob/master/java/amazon-kinesis-producer/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/kinesis/producer/KinesisProducerConfiguration.java#L139
> It would be nice to support properties for say:
>      *     metrics.aws.credentials.provider for custom Cloudwatch metrics
> credentials provider,
>      *     metrics.aws.credentials.provider.role.provider for custom
> Cloudwatch credentials provider for assuming a role,
> *AWS KinesisProducerConfiguration.java:*
>     /**
>      * {@link AWSCredentialsProvider} that supplies credentials used to
> upload
>      * metrics to CloudWatch.
>      * <p>
>      * If not given, the credentials used to put records
>      * to Kinesis are also used for CloudWatch.
>      *
>      * @see #setCredentialsProvider(AWSCredentialsProvider)
>      */
>     public KinesisProducerConfiguration
> setMetricsCredentialsProvider(AWSCredentialsProvider
> metricsCredentialsProvider) {
>         this.metricsCredentialsProvider = metricsCredentialsProvider;
>         return this;
>     }
> *Flink KinesisConfigUtil.java:*
>         KinesisProducerConfiguration kpc =
> KinesisProducerConfiguration.fromProperties(config);
>         kpc.setRegion(config.getProperty(AWSConfigConstants.AWS_REGION));
>         kpc.setCredentialsProvider(AWSUtil.getCredentialsProvider(config));
>         // we explicitly lower the credential refresh delay (default is 5
> seconds)
>         // to avoid an ignorable interruption warning that occurs when
> shutting down the
>         // KPL client. See
> https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-kinesis-producer/issues/10.
>         kpc.setCredentialsRefreshDelay(100);

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