Hi team, I am trying to read the records from the Kafka topic and below is my very basic code as of now
from pyflink.datastream.connectors.kafka import FlinkKafkaConsumer from pyflink.datastream.stream_execution_environment import StreamExecutionEnvironment, RuntimeExecutionMode from pyflink.common import SimpleStringSchema class SourceData(object): def __init__(self, env): self.env = env self.env.add_jars("file:///flink-sql-connector-kafka-1.17.1.jar") self.env.set_runtime_mode(RuntimeExecutionMode.STREAMING) self.env.set_parallelism(1) def get_data(self): source = FlinkKafkaConsumer( topics="test-topic1", deserialization_schema=SimpleStringSchema(), properties={ "bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092", "auto.offset.reset": "earliest", } ) self.env \ .add_source(source) \ .print() self.env.execute("source") print(SourceData(StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()).get_data()) Now, when I try to add the jars via code or if I put the jars inside pyflink > lib directory, nothing works. Can someone help me to resolve my problem? I am stuck since hours. KafkaSource.builder() also doesn't work. I tried out many solutions available on stackoverflow but no luck. My python version is 3.10 Java: 11 Flink: 1.17.1 J.