Can you help with more info here?
The RocksDB backend itself is in ABFS instead of local? Or you mean the
checkpoint is in ABFS but local dir for RocksDB is in local storage?

GetPathSTatus is done by your monitoring pages? We run Flink on ABFS so we
would like to see if we can help you out.


On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 2:06 AM Alexis Sarda-Espinosa <> wrote:

> Hello,
> We are using ABFSS for RocksDB's backend as well as the storage dir
> required for Kubernetes HA. In the Azure Portal's monitoring insights I see
> that every single operation contains failing transactions for the
> GetPathStatus API. Unfortunately I don't see any additional details, but I
> know the storage account is only used by Flink. Checkpointing isn't
> failing, but I wonder if this could be an issue in the long term?
> Regards,
> Alexis.

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