Hi Flink users,

I was reading the asyncIO operator and couldn't understand the execution
model. I started to think about the flink execution model in general and a
few questions arose.

1. For a given subtask(one parallel instance of N chained operators) how do
the elements get executed?. Do they get executed by the same thread one
after one?. Do subsequent elements for that subtask wait for the current
element to finish?

2. Now lets say I use an AsyncIO operator as one of the operators in the
chain. How does concurrency happen here?.

Execution for a given element starts in a thread A. Execution reaches the
async IO operator. We make an async call to an external web service.
- After async completion does the subsequent operators in the chain
continue in the same thread A or execution moves to a different thread B?
- Does thread A start executing another element when the previous element
is sent for async IO?

I completely off here in understanding the asyncIO


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