Hi, I have created a counter of records in my RichSinkFunction
myCounter.inc() I can see the value exists in the job manager web ui > running jobs > sink function > task > metrics. However, I am not available to see it in my prometheus web ui. I am running docker flink in my local as well as prometheus. The flink jobmanager and task manager are in *UP* status in prometheus targets, but checking the list of metrics from the explorer "myCounter" custom metrics cannot be found. metrics.reporter.prom.factory.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusReporterFactory metrics.reporter.prom.port:9250-9260 job_name: "jobmanager" static_configs: - targets: ["jobmanager:9250"] job_name: "taskmanager" static_configs: - targets: ["taskmanager:9250" Is there any configuration/steps I missed? Thanks Regards, Pat