Hi Chirag,

Couple things can be done to reduce the attack surface (including but not
limited to):
* Use delegation tokens where only JM needs the keytab file:
* Limit the access rights of the keytab to the minimum
* Rotate the keytab time to time
* The keytab can be encrypted at rest but that's fully custom logic outside
of Flink


On Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 7:05 AM Chirag Dewan via user <user@flink.apache.org>

> Hi,
> I am trying to implement a HDFS Source connector that can collect files
> from Kerberos enabled HDFS. As per the Kerberos support, I have provided my
> keytab file to Job Managers and all the Task Managers.
> Now, I understand that keytab file is a security concern and if left
> unsecured can be used by hackers to gain access to HDFS.
> So I wanted to understand if there's a way to encrypt this file on storage
> (at rest) and later decrypt before JM and TMs can initialize the
> KerberosModule?
> Or if there any other standard practices in controlling the keytab access
> from Storage. Would appreciate some ideas.
> Thanks

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