In Flink, all user functions, including KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction, are (effectively) single threaded, so the processBroadcastElement method will run to completion before any further messages are processed in the processElement method. (I said "effectively" because in the case of processing time timers, Flink takes care to synchronize the onTimer callback for you.)
On Thu, Sep 7, 2023 at 6:32 AM Anil K <> wrote: > > Hi, > > I am new to flink. I am trying to write a job that updates the Keyed State > when a Broadcast Message is received in KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction. > I was wondering will the ctx.applyToKeyedState in the processBroadCastElement > will get completed before further messages are processed in the > processElement function? > Can someone explain or point me to some docs on how the synchronisation of > Broadcasted and non Broadcasted messages works in > KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction? > > Kind regards > Anil