Hi community, I would like to ask what is the recommended way to stop Flink job with save point on a session cluster via k8s operator Java API?
Currently I'm doing this by setting savepointTriggerNonce on JobSpec object. However I've noticed that this works only if I do not include Job state change in that spec. In other words when I submit JobSpec that has state change from Running to Suspend and savepointTriggerNonce, the checkpoint is not created. Is that intended? In order to mimic [1] do I have to submit two JobSpec updates? One with savepointNonce and the second one with Job state change? A followup question, what kind of savepoint is triggered when using savepointTriggerNonce native or canonical? Also is there a way to pass --drain option or savepoint path via spec? (Not including state.savepoints.dir cluster config option) [1] https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/ops/state/savepoints/#stopping-a-job-with-savepoint Thanks, Krzysztof Chmielewski