A .connect() method may work.
You can connect the changeLogStream coming from the table with fields
Customer and sum with the original stream consisting of Customer and
In a coProcessFunction, you can keep the latest EventID of a Customer in
the state and whenever you receive data from table you can merge them.

On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 4:10 PM Jiten Pathy <jite...@netxd.com> wrote:

> Most of the aggregates can be added/removed/updated dynamically, it would
> be easier from an implementation point of view, if we could use SQL.
> On Thu, 24 Aug 2023 at 16:09, Kenan Kılıçtepe <kkilict...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I think Datastream fits your requirements better. Is there a specific
>> reason for using SQL ?
>> On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 9:04 AM Jiten Pathy <jite...@netxd.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We are currently evaluating Flink for our analytics engine. We would
>>> appreciate any help with our experiment in using flink for real-time
>>> request-response use-case.
>>> To demonstrate the current use-case: our application produces events of
>>> the following form:
>>> {id, customerId, amount, timestamp}
>>> We calculate some continuous aggregates triggered by each event produced
>>> and use them to decide on the action.
>>> Examples of Aggregates: sum of amount total, amount group by customerId,
>>> amount per day(group-by customer), per month etc.
>>> One approach we considered is to correlate the aggregates with the `Id`,
>>> So for the following input events:
>>> {1, "CUST1", 100, $TS1}
>>> {2, "CUST2", 5, $TS2}
>>> {3, "CUST1", 15, $TS3}
>>> We would generate the following(ignoring timestamp for now) into kafka:
>>> {1, "TOTAL", 100} , {1, "GROUPBYCUSTTOTAL", "CUST1", 100}
>>> {2, "TOTAL", 105} , {2, "GROUPBYCUSTTOTAL", "CUST2", 5}
>>> {3, "TOTAL", 120} , {3, "GROUPBYCUSTTOTAL", "CUST1", 115}
>>> And our application would read from kafka and process them.
>>> So the flow looks like:
>>> Application -- kafka---> flink --> kafka <--- Application
>>> We want to keep our current request - response model i.e. we need all
>>> continuous aggregates out for every ingested event into flink, before
>>> we can further process the said event.
>>> Unfortunately we don't see a way to do this in flink-SQL: As the
>>> aggregates would not have the requestId for us to correlate with e.g.
>>> for the following simple continuous query:
>>> SELECT sum(amount) from EVENTS
>>> We have tried doing this with flink-Datastream API: KeyedProcessFunction
>>>  with MapState per window, and collecting in processElement and using
>>> Kafka sink.
>>> A sample code for the windowing would look like the following:
>>>  public void processElement(Transaction transaction, 
>>> KeyedProcessFunction<String, Transaction, Aggregate>.Context context, 
>>> Collector<Aggregate> collector) throws Exception {
>>>         (....)
>>>         collector.collect(new Aggregate(transaction.getId(), 
>>> context.getCurrentKey(), agg0, evTime));
>>>     }
>>> If we were to use FlinkSQL instead, how would we accomplish this
>>> functionality?
>>> If there are any alternative approaches to accomplish this while
>>> maintaining our invariant: every event must produce all aggregates that
>>> consume the corresponding event, we would love to hear from the community.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jiten
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