Hi, Dennis.

As Ron said, we could judge this situation by the metrics.
We are usually reporting the metrics to the external system like Prometheus
by the metric reporter[1]. And these metrics could be shown by some other
tools like grafana[2].


[2] https://grafana.com/oss/

liu ron <ron9....@gmail.com> 于2023年8月16日周三 14:39写道:

> Hi, Dennis,
> Although all operators are chained together, each operator metrics is
> there, you can view the metrcis related to the corresponding operator's
> input and output records through the UI, as following:
> [image: image.png]
> Best,
> Ron
> Dennis Jung <inylov...@gmail.com> 于2023年8月16日周三 14:13写道:
>> Hello people,
>> I'm trying to monitor data skewness with 'web-ui', between TaskManagers.
>> Currently all operators has been chained, so I cannot find how data has
>> been skewed to TaskManagers (or subtasks). But if I disable chaining,
>> AFAIK, it can degrade performance.
>> https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/dev/datastream/operators/overview/#task-chaining-and-resource-groups
>> Could someone give a good suggestion on how to monitor whether data skew
>> happens or not, in Flink app?
>> Thank you.

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