Hi, wenjiang It does seem a bit odd that it could theoretically work either way. I think you can check the Flink JobManager log to find more information.
Best, Ron 傅文江 <fuwenji...@163.com> 于2023年7月24日周一 17:37写道: > > When I use ESSink, I find that I need to set Flink’s > jobmanager.memory.off-heap.size to 256MB. The default 128MB does not meet > the running requirements. It can be successful by modifying the > configuration file, but I want to dynamically adjust the > jobmanager.memory.off-heap.size through the command line submission mode. > According to the official document > https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.14/ > docs/deployment/memory/mem_setup_jobmanager/#configure-off-heap-memory, > my commit command is like this: > > ./yarn-session.sh --detached -tm 12288 -jm 2048 -d -nm Name1Process -s 12 > -yD jobmanager.memory.enable-jvm-direct-memory-limit=true -yD > jobmanager.memory.off-heap.size=256m > ./flink run --detached -p 1 --class com.fuwenjaing.demo1 > xxxxxx/name1-message.jar > > Then after running, I found that the Off-Heap Memory of JobManager is > still 128M. I would like to ask how to solve this problem. The command line > cannot dynamically adjust the jobmanager.memory.off-heap.size, can it only > be modified through the configuration file? > > My environment: > Flink version is 1.14.4 > Yarn version Hadoop 3.0.0-cdh6.3.2 > > Best wishes > >