There's already a built-in concept of WindowStagger that provides an
interface for accomplishing this.

It's not as well integrated (or documented) as it might be, but the
basic mechanism exists. To use it, I believe you would do something
like this:

assigner = new TumblingEventTimeWindows(Time.seconds(5), 0,


The different stagger strategies are documented in [1].


On Wed, Aug 2, 2023 at 7:13 PM xiangyu feng <> wrote:
> Hi Tucker,
> Can you describe more about your running job and how the trigger timer is 
> configured? Also it would be better if you can attach a FlameGraph to show 
> the CPU usage when the timer is triggered.
> Best,
> Xiangyu
> Tucker Harvey via user <> 于2023年8月1日周二 05:51写道:
>> Hello Flink community! My team is trying to optimize CPU usage on a running 
>> job, and we're exploring the option of offsetting the trigger time for 
>> smoother CPU patterns. Since adjusting the window will compromise job 
>> correctness, we plan to pursue a custom trigger implementation. We were 
>> curious if the community had any thoughts or insights on this issue.

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