Hi, dongwoo

You can check the SqlClient log first, I think the exception has been
logged in SqlClient log file.

Dongwoo Kim <dongwoo7....@gmail.com> 于2023年7月31日周一 22:38写道:

> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> 보낸사람: Dongwoo Kim <dongwoo7....@gmail.com>
> Date: 2023년 7월 31일 (월) 오후 11:36
> Subject: Re: Flink sql client doesn't work with "partition by" clause
> To: liu ron <ron9....@gmail.com>
> Hi, ron.
> Actually I'm not receiving any exception message when executing the *partition
> by* clause in the Flink SQL Client.
> The job does not fail, but it finishes quickly without executing the
> expected query job.
> I'm suspecting that the Flink SQL Client is not recognizing the partition
> by field(*`hour`*) properly.
> This is because when I input an obviously incorrect field(*hourr*) as the
> partition by field, the job behaves in the same manner - it does not fail,
> but also doesn't perform any operations(reading file ) and ends the query.
> *e.g) *This below query also doesn't fail but ends right after submission.
> CREATE TABLE source_table
> (
>     id     STRING,
>     status STRING,
>     type   STRING,
>     hourr INT
> ) PARTITIONED BY (`hourr`) WITH (
>       'connector' = 'filesystem',
>       'path' = 'hdfs://${our_data_path}month=202307/day=20230714',
>       'format' = 'parquet'
>       );
> SELECT hourr
> FROM source_table
> GROUP BY hourr;
> To provide better context
> I was using this sql-runner
> <https://github.com/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator/blob/main/examples/flink-sql-runner-example/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/examples/SqlRunner.java>
> to test the partition by clause and it worked as expected, but didn't work
> when I deployed the flink-session cluster by flink kubernetes operator and
> executed sql-client.sh in the jobmanger pod.
> Since as you said this is not an expected behavior, I'll investigate the
> source code.
> Thanks
> Best,
> dongwoo
> 2023년 7월 31일 (월) 오후 5:47, liu ron <ron9....@gmail.com>님이 작성:
>> Hi, dongwoo
>> Can you give the exception message about SqlClient, it would be helpful
>> to find the root cause. In theory, it should work for both cases.
>> Best,
>> Ron
>> Dongwoo Kim <dongwoo7....@gmail.com> 于2023年7月28日周五 21:24写道:
>>> Hello all, I've realized that the previous mail had some error which
>>> caused invisible text. So I'm resending the mail below.
>>> Hello all, I have found that the Flink sql client doesn't work with the 
>>> *"partition
>>> by"* clause.
>>> Is this a bug?
>>> It's a bit weird since when I execute the same sql with
>>> *"tableEnv.executeSql(statement)"* code it works as expected.
>>> Has anyone tackled this kind of issue?
>>> I have tested in flink 1.16.1 version.
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> *- This below code only works with executeSql method in table api but
>>> not with sql client cli.*
>>> CREATE TABLE source_table
>>> (
>>>     id     STRING,
>>>     status STRING,
>>>     type   STRING,
>>>     `hour` INT
>>> ) PARTITIONED BY (`hour`) WITH (
>>>       'connector' = 'filesystem',
>>>       'path' = 'hdfs://${our_data_path}month=202307/day=20230714',
>>>       'format' = 'parquet'
>>>       );
>>> SELECT `hour`
>>> FROM source_table
>>> GROUP BY `hour`;
>>> *- This below query works both on the executeSql() method in table api
>>> and sql client query.*
>>> CREATE TABLE source_table_2
>>> (
>>>     id       STRING,
>>>     status   STRING,
>>>     type     STRING
>>> ) WITH (
>>>       'connector' = 'filesystem',
>>>       'path' = 'hdfs://${out_data_path}/month=202307/day=20230714',
>>>       'format' = 'parquet'
>>>       );
>>> SELECT status
>>> FROM source_table_2
>>> GROUP BY status;
>>> Best,
>>> dongwoo
>>> 2023년 7월 28일 (금) 오후 6:19, Dongwoo Kim <dongwoo7....@gmail.com>님이 작성:
>>>> Hello all, I have found that flink sql client doesn't work with
>>>> "partition by" clause.
>>>> Is this bug? It's bit weird since when I execute same sql with
>>>> tableEnv.executeSql(statement) code it works as expected. Has anyone
>>>> tackled this kind of issue? I have tested in flink 1.16.1 version.
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> - This below code only works with executeSql method in table api but
>>>> not with sql client cli.
>>>> CREATE TABLE source_table
>>>> (
>>>>     id       STRING,
>>>>     status   STRING,
>>>>     type     STRING,
>>>>     `hour`        INT
>>>> ) PARTITIONED BY (`hour`) WITH (
>>>>       'connector' = 'filesystem',
>>>>       'path' = 'hdfs://${our_data_path}month=202307/day=20230714',
>>>>       'format' = 'parquet'
>>>>       );
>>>> SELECT `hour`
>>>> FROM source_table
>>>> GROUP BY `hour`;
>>>> - This below query works both on executeSql method in table api and
>>>> sql client query.
>>>> CREATE TABLE source_table_2
>>>> (
>>>>     id       STRING,
>>>>     status   STRING,
>>>>     type     STRING
>>>> ) WITH (
>>>>       'connector' = 'filesystem',
>>>>       'path' = 'hdfs://${out_data_path}/month=202307/day=20230714',
>>>>       'format' = 'parquet'
>>>>       );
>>>> SELECT status
>>>> FROM source_table_2
>>>> GROUP BY status;
>>>> Best,
>>>> dongwoo

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