Hi, I’m using K8s operator 1.3.1 with Flink 1.15.2 on 2 K8s clusters. Weird enough, on one K8s cluster the flink deployments would show savepoint trigger nonce. while the flink deployments on the other cluster wouldn’t.
The normal output is as follows: ``` Last Savepoint: Format Type: CANONICAL Location: hdfs://.../savepoints/61dfcb2fd7946a0001827c55/savepoint-a81885-68d00e5130b8 Time Stamp: 1689145852437 Trigger Nonce: 2 Trigger Type: MANUAL `` And the erroneous output is like this (without trigger nonce and format type): ``` Last Savepoint: Location: hdfs://.../savepoints/61dfcb2fd7946a0001827c55/savepoint-31c74e-3347299b84ec Time Stamp: 1689150184799 Trigger Type: MANUAL ``` Do you have any ideas about what’s causing this? Thanks! Best, Paul Lam