Hi Kamal,

There's no such limitation, so most likely this is related to the
implementation of your TCP source connector. Do keep in mind that just by
the nature of TCP, I doubt that you will have any guarantees when it comes
to this source. E.g. if you roll back to a savepoint of one day ago, how
will you be able to retrieve the data from your TCP source that's exactly
the same as it would be a day ago.

Best regards,


On Sat, Jul 1, 2023 at 7:33 AM Kamal Mittal via user <user@flink.apache.org>

> Hello Community,
> I have a requirement to read data coming over TCP socket stream and for
> the same written one custom source function reading data by TCP socket.
> Job is running successfully but while trying to take a savepoint, error
> comes that savepoint cannot be taken.
> Is there any limitation that TCP streams state can’t be taken (by
> checkpoint or savepoint) and re-stored later?
> Rgds,
> Kamal

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