The openjdk images are deprecated, which prevented us from releasing our
docker images via some distribution channels.
When we switched to the Temurin images we didn't have to change a whole
lot, so you might be able to reconstruct a openjdk-based image for Flink
In theory you should be able to take the existing Dockerfile
change the base without having to change anything else.
On 19/06/2023 11:11, Arek Dankiewicz wrote:
Hello All,
We recently wanted to migrate flink docker image version from 1.15.1
to 1.17.1 and encountered a problem with our infrastructure not being
able to correctly handle an app built on Ubuntu 22+ due to an older
version of the docker.
Unfortunately, this is out of our control, and we would like to change
the os on which the flink 1.17 image is built from
eclipse-temurin:11-jre-jammy to e.g. openjdk:11.
I would like to know whether the change to debian for version 1.17 is
a disruptive change and what the OS change between 1.15 and 1.16 was
caused by.
Kindest regards,