Hi team,

We are exploring flink stateful 
for one of our use case. As part of feasibility test, we are doing load testing 
to determine the time spent by flink app orchestrating the functions (E2E 
request latency - time spent by each stateful function). We have deployed 
sample flink app on AWS KDA, with 10 embedded stateful functions connected 
sequentially each doing dummy work (10ms thread sleep).

We found some interesting insight where time spent from receiving the input to 
invoking of first embedded stateful function is very high compared to e2e time 
spent across invoking stateful functions.

With 100TPS load, e2e time spent in orchestrating functions is around P99 
2044ms and e2e orchestration time without time spent in invoking first function 
is P99 14ms, and there was no FLINK back pressure and CPU usage was less than 
100% overall during the experiment.

Can someone help with the following queries?

  *   Is it expected for flink app to take considerable time to invoke first 
stateful function after receiving an request from input stream (kinesis in our 
  *   Is there any way to fasten the invoking of first stateful function?
  *   Any pointer on how to control request to be processed by only one host 
irrespective of no. of stateful functions the requests have to processed?


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