It's related to FLINK-11695
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-11695> which has not been
resolved until now.
You could increase the limit size of hdfs to alleviate this problem.
BTW, You could also share or check something before modifying the
>From the logic of your job (how to use state), does the size and quantity
of this state data meet expectations?

On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 9:42 AM 湘晗刚 <1016465...@qq.com> wrote:

> Flink 1.10.0 checkpoint to hdfs failed:
> Caused by:org.apache.flink.util.SerializedThrowable:
> The directory item limit of .../shared is
> Exceeded:limit=1048576 items=1048576


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