Hi Community,
I am trying to create an amazon S3 filesystem distributor using flink and
for this I am using hadoop S3a connector with Flink filesystem sink.
My flink application would run in a non-AWS environment, on native cluster;
so I need to put my access keys in flink configuration.

For connecting to S3 storage, i am configuring flink-conf.yaml with the
access credentials like
s3.access.key: <access key>
s3.secret.key: <secret key>
... and some other parameters required for assuming AWS IAM role with s3a

Is there a way to encrypt these parameters rather than putting them
directly or is there any other way to supply them programmatically.

I tried to set them programmatically using the Configuration object and
supplying them with
StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(Configuration), in my
job (rather than from flink-conf.yaml) but then the S3 connection failed. I
think flink creates the connection pool at startup even before the job is

Thanks and Regards
Anuj Jain

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