Hi Michael,

You are using the right one, it just lacks the support for Opensearch REST 
client customization at the moment. It would make sense to provide this 
Thank you.

Best Regards,
    Andriy Redko

MHJ> Hi Andriy,

MHJ> we are currently use the OpensearchSink[1] connector, as we assumed that 
that was the one to use going forwards. We are not quite sure what the 
difference is and if any will become deprecated soon?

MHJ> Regards,

MHJ> Michael

MHJ> [1] 

MHJ> ________________________________
MHJ> From: Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com>
MHJ> Sent: Tuesday, 18 April 2023 4:16:45 PM
MHJ> To: Martijn Visser; Michael Hempel Jørgensen
MHJ> Cc: user@flink.apache.org
MHJ> Subject: Re: Opensearch connector and oauth

MHJ> Hi Michael,

MHJ> Indeed the Opensearch REST client supports only basic auth at the moment. 
I don't know which sink are you using, but the
MHJ> streaming/connectors/opensearch/OpensearchSink provides the capability to 
configure the underlying client using
MHJ> RestClientFactory [1] so you could add the request / response interceptors 
to propagate OAuth2 tokens etc. This
MHJ> is not possible with other sinks yet but I think it should not be 
difficult to implement. If this is the case
MHJ> for you, could you please open the JIRA ticket?

MHJ> Thank you.

MHJ> [1] 

MHJ> Best Regards,
MHJ>     Andriy Redko

MHJ> Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 3:47:22 AM, you wrote:

>> Hi Michael,

>> I'm looping in Andrey since he has worked a lot on the Opensearch connector. 
>> A contribution is very welcome in case this can be improved.

>> Best regards,

>> Martijn

>> On Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 8:45 AM Michael Hempel Jørgensen <m...@trifork.com> 
>> wrote:

>>> Hi,

>>> we need to use OAuth2 (Client Credentials Flow) in Flink to authenticate 
>>> and authorise against different services, initially Kafka and Opensearch. 
>>> We have it working with Kafka using however it doesn't seem to be possible 
>>> with the Opensearch Flink Connector 
>>> (https://github.com/apache/flink-connector-opensearch).

>>> It looks like the connector only supports basic auth (user/pass) at the 
>>> moment, and doesn't have an option for manually setting custom headers 
>>> either. Is this correct?

>>> Is there any work in progress towards making this possible?

>>> We are willing to help contribute to code/discussions if necessary to get 
>>> this implemented somehow.

>>> Regards,
>>> Michael

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