Thanks, Geng for the quick and actionable response.

I will definitely try this with Flink version >= 1.16.0 and get back with
the observations.

Regarding the checkpoint size issue, my concern is if there is no more
state, shouldn't the checkpoint size be way less than 2 GB? I mean I was
expecting it to be only a few MBs. Is there something I am missing here?

Abhishek Singla

On Sun, Mar 26, 2023 at 9:56 PM Geng Biao <> wrote:

> Hi Abhishek,
> Thanks for sharing the experiment! As for the performance question, I
> believe you could give a try on Flink CEP with version >= 1.16.0, which
> includes the optimization introduced in FLINK-23890
> <>. This optimization
> will reduce lots of timer registration which can increase the throughput
> significantly. In our own experiment, given same papalism settings, the
> same job in 1.16.0 will require much less CPU usage than that in 1.15.x.
> (~100% -> ~30%). In fact, due to the implementation, the optimization
> should make CEP 10x better.  If you must use Flink1.15.0 for some reason,
> you may cherry-pick the relevant change and recompile the CEP library by
> yourself. The change does not depend on some framework changes so it may
> not cost much efforts.
> As for the checkpoint size issue, CEP Operator will store immediate
> matching result in the state. So if there are no new events, then there are
> no new partial matched and CEP Operator will not use more state.
> Best,
> Biao Geng
> *From: *Abhishek Singla <>
> *Date: *Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 11:58 PM
> *To: * <>
> *Subject: *Flink CEP Resource Utilisation Optimisation
> Hi Team,
> *Flink Version:* 1.15.0
> *Java Version:* 1.8
> *Standalone Cluster*
> *Task Manager:* AWS EC2 of Instance Type c5n.4xlarge (vCPU 16, Memory 42
> Gb, 8 slots per TM)
> *CEP Scenario:* Kafka Event A followed by Kafka Event B within 10 mins
> *Throughput:* 20k events per second for Event A, 0 for Kafka Event B
> *State Backend:* FsStateBackend
> *Unaligned Checkpoints:* Enabled
> *asynchronousSnapshots:* true
> While testing this (Kafka Event A followed by Kafka Event B within 10
> mins) scenario on load environment, it took 20 nodes of TM to achieve this
> throughput otherwise either CPU utilization would reach its peak or
> backpressure would be observed because output buffers are full. The
> checkpoint size is only 6.75 GB, the state stored within the CEP operator
> would be much lesser as we do unaligned checkpointing.
> I am looking for some input on if it takes this many resources to
> archive this throughput, and if not what probably could be the issue here.
> There was one more issue that I found If the throughput of Event A goes to
> zero, then also the checkpoint size stays around 2 GB even after hours. Is
> this expected?
> Regards,
> Abhishek Singla

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