Thank you All.  

    On Tuesday, 14 March, 2023 at 07:14:05 am IST, yuxia 
<> wrote:  
 The plan shows the filters has been pushed down. But remeber, although pused 
down, the filesystem table won't accept the filter. So, it'll be still like 
all files.

Best regards,
发件人: "Maryam Moafimadani" <>
收件人: "Hang Ruan" <>
抄送: "yuxia" <>, "ravi suryavanshi" 
<>, "Yaroslav Tkachenko" <>, 
"Shammon FY" <>, "User" <>
发送时间: 星期一, 2023年 3 月 13日 下午 10:07:57
主题: Re: Are the Table API Connectors production ready?

Hi All,It's exciting to see file filtering in the plan for development. I am 
curious whether the following query on a filesystem connector would actually 
push down the filter on metadata `file.path`?

Select score, `file.path` from MyUserTable WHERE `file.path` LIKE '%prefix_%' 

== Optimized Execution Plan ==
Calc(select=[score, file.path], where=[LIKE(file.path, '%2022070611284%')])
+- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MyUserTable, 
filter=[LIKE(file.path, _UTF-16LE'%2022070611284%')]]], fields=[score, 

On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 8:55 AM Hang Ruan <> wrote:

Hi, yuxia,I would like to help to complete this task.
yuxia <> 于2023年3月13日周一 09:32写道:

Yeah, you're right. We don't provide filtering files with patterns. And 
actually we had already a jira[1] for it.
I was intended to do this in the past, but don't have much time.  Anyone who 
are insterested can take it over. We're 
happy to help review.


Best regards,
发件人: "User" <>
收件人: "Yaroslav Tkachenko" <>, "Shammon FY" 
抄送: "User" <>
发送时间: 星期一, 2023年 3 月 13日 上午 12:36:46
主题: Re: Are the Table API Connectors production ready?

 Thanks a lot, Yaroslav and Shammon.I want to use the Filesystem Connector.  I 
tried it works well till it is running. If the job is restarted. It processes 
all the files again.
Could not find the move or delete option after collecting the files. Also, I 
could not find the filtering using patterns.
Pattern matching is required as different files exist in the same folder.
Regards,Ravi    On Friday, 10 March, 2023 at 05:47:27 am IST, Shammon FY 
<> wrote:  
 Hi Ravi
Agree with Yaroslav and if you find any problems in use, you can create an 
issue in jira 
. I have used kafka/jdbc/hive in production too, they work well.
On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 1:42 AM Yaroslav Tkachenko <> wrote:

Hi Ravi,
All of them should be production ready. I've personally used half of them in 
Do you have any specific concerns? 
On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 9:39 AM via user 
<> wrote:

 Hi,Can anyone help me here?
Thanks and regards,Ravi
    On Monday, 27 February, 2023 at 09:33:18 am IST, 
via user <> wrote:  
 Hi Team,

In Flink 1.16.0, we would like to use some of the Table API Connectors for 
production. Kindly let me know if the below connectors are production ready or 
only for testing purposes.

| Name | Version | Source | Sink |
| Filesystem |  | Bounded and Unbounded Scan, Lookup | Streaming Sink, Batch 
Sink |
| Elasticsearch | 6.x & 7.x | Not supported | Streaming Sink, Batch Sink |
| Opensearch | 1.x & 2.x | Not supported | Streaming Sink, Batch Sink |
| Apache Kafka | 0.10+ | Unbounded Scan | Streaming Sink, Batch Sink |
| Amazon DynamoDB |  | Not supported | Streaming Sink, Batch Sink |
| Amazon Kinesis Data Streams |  | Unbounded Scan | Streaming Sink |
| Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose |  | Not supported | Streaming Sink |
| JDBC |  | Bounded Scan, Lookup | Streaming Sink, Batch Sink |
| Apache HBase | 1.4.x & 2.2.x | Bounded Scan, Lookup | Streaming Sink, Batch 
Sink |
| Apache Hive |

Thanks and regards


Maryam MoafimadaniSenior Data Developer @Shopify

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