Hi Jan,
Job manager is configured and working.. when I submit python Job to flink it's 
not showing or flink UI or simply hangs without any error.

Sent from my Galaxy

-------- Original message --------From: Jan Lukavský <je...@seznam.cz> Date: 
02/02/2023  15:07  (GMT+05:30) To: user@flink.apache.org Subject: Re: beam + 
flink + k8 

    I'm not sure how exactly minikube exposes the jobmanager, but in
      GKE you likely need to port-forward it, e.g.


       $ kubectl port-forward svc/flink-jobmanager 8081:8081
    This should make jobmanager accessible via localhost:8081. For
      production cases you might want to use a different approach, like
      Flink operator, etc.

    On 2/1/23 17:08, P Singh wrote:

        Hi Jan,

        Thanks for the reply, I was able to submit the job to flink
          but it's failing due to an OOM issue so I am moving to the
          GKE. I got the flink UI there but submitted a job not
          appearing on flink UI. I am using the same script which I
          shared with you.. Do I need to make some changes for Google
          Kubernetes Environment?


        On Tue, 31 Jan 2023 at 20:20,
          Jan Lukavský <je...@seznam.cz>

            The script looks good to me, did you run the SDK harness?
              External environment needs the SDK harness to be run
              externally, see [1]. Generally, the best option is DOCKER,
              but that usually does not work in k8s. For this, you might
              try PROCESS environment and build your own docker image
              for flink, which will contain the Beam harness, e.g. [2].
              You will need to pass the environment config using
              --environment_config={"command": "/opt/apache/beam/boot"}.
            From the screenshot it seems, that the Flink UI is
              accessible, so this is the only option that comes to my
              mind. Did you check logs of the Flink jobmanager pod?


            On 1/31/23 13:33, P Singh wrote:

                HI Jan,

                Thanks for your reply, please find attached script,
                  I am newbie with flink and minikube though i am trying
                  to connect them by script from local machine as
                  suggested by flink kubernetes documents link

                I have changed the log level to ERROR but didn't
                  find much... Can you please help me out how to run the
                  script from inside the pod.


                On Tue, 31 Jan 2023 at
                  15:40, Jan Lukavský <je...@seznam.cz>

                    can you please share the also the script itself?
                      I'd say that the problem is that the flink
                      jobmanager is not accessible through
                      localhost:8081, because it runs inside the
                      minikube. You need to expose it outside of the
                      minikube via [1], or run the script from pod
                      inside the minikube and access job manager via
                      flink-jobmanager:8081. I'm surprised that the log
                      didn't make this more obvious, though. Is it
                      possible that you changed the default log level to
                      ERROR? Can you try DEBUG or similar?


                    [1] https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/accessing/

                    On 1/30/23 18:36, P Singh wrote:

                        Hi Jan,

                        Yeah I am using minikube and beam image
                          with python 3.10. 


                        Please find the attached screenshots.




                        On Mon, 30 Jan
                          2023 at 21:22, Jan Lukavský <je...@seznam.cz>



                          can you please share the command-line and
                          complete output of the script? 

                          Are you using minikube? Can you share list of
                          your running pods?




                          On 1/30/23 14:25, P Singh wrote:

                          > Hi Team,


                          > I am trying to run beam job on top of
                          flink on my local machine 

                          > (kubernetes).


                          >  I have flink 1.14 and beam 2.43 images
                          both running but when i submit 

                          > the job it's not reaching to the flink
                          cluster and getting failed with 

                          > below error.


                          job service with 

                          > ['java', '-jar', 


                          > '--flink-master', 'http://localhost:8081',


                          > '--job-port', '57882', '--artifact-port',
                          '0', '--expansion-port', '0']

                          bringing up service

                          > Traceback (most recent call last):

                          >   File 


                          > line 88, in start

                          >     raise RuntimeError(

                          > RuntimeError: Service failed to start up
                          with error 1


                          > Any help would be appreciated.


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