Hi Weijie,

Thanks for replying back.

Our job is  a streaming job. The OperatorChain contains all operators that
are executed as one chain within a single StreamTask. But each
operator creates their own checkpoint at checkpointing time . Rather than
creating a checkpoint per operator in checkpointing time. Can I have one
checkpoint per OperatorChain? This is my question.


On Wed, Feb 1, 2023 at 1:02 AM weijie guo <guoweijieres...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Talat,
> Can you elaborate on what it means to create one checkpoint object per
> chain operator more than all operators? If you mean to do checkpoint
> independently for each task, this is not supported.
> Best regards,
> Weijie
> Talat Uyarer via user <user@flink.apache.org> 于2023年2月1日周三 15:34写道:
>> Hi,
>> We have a job that is reading from kafka and writing some endpoints. The
>> job does not have any shuffling steps.  I implement it with multiple
>> steps.  Flink chained those operators in one operator in submission time.
>> However I see all operators are doing checkpointing.
>> Is there any way to create one checkpoint object per chain operator
>> rather than all operators ?
>> Thanks

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