Good Morning Sajjad,

I’ve once had a similar problem. As you’ve found out, directly using 
KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction is a little tricky.
What I ended up with instead is to use the rather new @PublicEvolving 
It allows you to connect and process any (reasonable) number of DataStream 
keyed/broadcast/plain and also to tap into
the meta-stream of watermark events. Each Input is set up separately and can 
implement separate handlers for the events/watermarks/etc.
However, it is an operator implementation, you e.g. need to manually set up 
timer manager and a number of other auxiliary components.
This is not too difficult as you can always model after other operator 
implementations within flink.

If you don’t mind that it will be in Scala, I could take the time to collect 
the basic setup …?

Hope this helps


From: Sajjad Rizvi <>
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2023 7:42 PM
Subject: Processing watermarks in a broadcast connected stream

⚠EXTERNAL MESSAGE – CAUTION: Think Before You Click ⚠


I am trying to process watermarks in a BroadcastConnectedStream. However, I am 
not able to find any direct way to handle watermark events, similar to what we 
have in processWatermark1 in a  KeyedCoProcessOperator. Following are further 

In the context of the example given in “A Practical Guide to Broadcast State in 
Apache Flink<>”, I have 
a user actions stream and a pattern stream. The pattern stream is broadcast and 
connected with the user actions stream. The result is a 
BroadcastConnectedStream. I want to handle user action events and pattern evens 
in this stream. In addition, I want to use a processWatermark function to 
perform an action in response to watermark events.

The problem is that a BroadcastConnectedStream has only process() function, no 
transform(), that takes a (Keyed)BroadcastProcessFunction. A 
BroadcastProcessFunction allows only to process elements, doesn’t provide the 
interface to process watermarks. In contrast, a ConnectedStream (without 
broadcast) provides a transform function, which takes in an operator that 
provides a way to process watermarks.

Is there a way to process watermarks in a BroadcastConnectedStream?



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