This is actually what I'm already doing, I'm only setting high-availability:
kubernetes myself. The other values are either defaults or set by the
- jobmanager.rpc.port: 6123 is the default value (docs
-  high-availability.jobmanager.port: 6123 is set by the Operator here

- jobmanager.rpc.address: SERVICE-NAME-HERE.NAMESPACE-HERE is set by the
Operator here
actual code which gets executed is here

 Looking at what the Lyft Operator is doing here
I thought
this would be a common issue but since you've never seen this error before,
not sure what to do 🤔

On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 10:59 PM Gyula Fóra <> wrote:

> We never encountered this problem before but also we don't configure those
> settings.
> Can you simply try:
> high-availability: kubernetes
> And remove the other configs? I think that can only cause problems and
> should not achieve anything :)
> Gyula
> On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 6:44 PM Anton Ippolitov via user <
>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I've been experimenting with Kubernetes HA and the Kubernetes Operator
>> and ran into the following issue which is happening regularly on
>> TaskManagers with Flink 1.16:
>> Error while retrieving the leader gateway. Retrying to connect to 
>> akka.tcp://flink@SERVICE-NAME-HERE.NAMESPACE-HERE:6123/user/rpc/dispatcher_1.
>> org.apache.flink.util.concurrent.FutureUtils$RetryException: Could not 
>> complete the operation. Number of retries has been exhausted.
>> (The whole stacktrace is quite long, I put it in a Github Gist here
>> <>.
>> Note that I put placeholder values for the Kubernetes Service name and the
>> Namespace name)
>> The job configuration has the following values which should be relevant:
>> high-availability: kubernetes
>> high-availability.jobmanager.port: 6123
>> jobmanager.rpc.address: SERVICE-NAME-HERE.NAMESPACE-HERE
>> jobmanager.rpc.port: 6123
>> Looking a bit more into the logs, I can see that the Akka Actor System is
>> started with an external address pointing to the Kubernetes Service defined
>> by jobmanager.rpc.address:
>> Trying to start actor system, external
>> address SERVICE-NAME-HERE.NAMESPACE-HERE:6123, bind address
>> Actor system started at akka.tcp://flink@SERVICE-NAME-HERE.NAMESPACE-HERE
>> :6123
>> (I believe the external address for the Akka Actor System is set to
>> jobmanager.rpc.address from this place
>> <>
>> in the code but I might be wrong)
>> I can also see these logs for the Dispatcher RPC endpoint:
>> Starting RPC endpoint for
>> org.apache.flink.runtime.dispatcher.StandaloneDispatcher at
>> akka://flink/user/rpc/dispatcher_1 .
>> Successfully wrote leader information
>> LeaderInformation{leaderSessionID='8fd2bda3-1775-4b51-bf63-8da385247a18',
>> leaderAddress=akka.tcp://flink@SERVICE-NAME-HERE.NAMESPACE-HERE:6123/user/rpc/dispatcher_1}
>> for leader dispatcher into the config map JOB-NAME-HERE-cluster-config-map.
>> I confirmed that the HA ConfigMap contains an address which also uses the
>> Kubernetes Service defined by jobmanager.rpc.address:
>> $ kubectl get cm JOB-NAME-HERE-cluster-config-map -o json | jq -r
>> '.data["org.apache.flink.k8s.leader.dispatcher"]'
>> ce33b6d4-a55f-475c-9b6e-b21d25c8e6b5,akka.tcp://flink@SERVICE-NAME-HERE.NAMESPACE-HERE
>> :6123/user/rpc/dispatcher_1
>> When looking at the code of the Operator and Flink itself, I can see
>> that jobmanager.rpc.address is set automatically by the
>> InternalServiceDecorator
>> <>
>>  and
>> it points to the Kubernetes Service.
>> However, the comment
>> <>
>> above clearly says that "only the non-HA scenario relies on this Service
>> for internal communication, since in the HA mode, the TaskManager(s)
>> directly connects to the JobManager via IP address." According to the
>> docs
>> <>,
>> jobmanager.rpc.address "is ignored on setups with high-availability where
>> the leader election mechanism is used to discover this automatically."
>> This is not what I'm observing as it seems that despite enabling HA, the
>> TaskManagers don't use IP addresses but still use this Kubernetes Service
>> for JM communication.
>> Moreover, I've used the Lyft Kubernetes Operator before and it has these
>> interesting lines in the code:
>> It explicitly sets jobmanager.rpc.address to the host IPs.
>> Am I misconfiguring or misunderstanding something? Is there any way to
>> fix these errors?
>> Thanks!
>> Anton

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