so now I see that runtime type of "table" parameter is ResolvedCatalogTable
that has method getResolvedSchema.

So I guess my question is, can I assume that ResolvedCatalogTable will be
always a runtime type?

pt., 20 sty 2023 o 19:27 Krzysztof Chmielewski <
krzysiek.chmielew...@gmail.com> napisaƂ(a):

> Hi,
> I'm implementing a custom Catalog where for "create table" I need to get
> tables schema, both column names and types from DDL.
> Now the Catalog's createTable method has "CatalogBaseTable table" argument.
> The  CatalogBaseTable has a deprecated "getSchema" and suggest to
> use getUnresolvedSchema instead.
> I was able to resolve schema types for physical columns, but I'm
> struggling with computed columns [1]. To be more precise I'm struggling to
> get//resolve the type of this field.
> I see that all implementations that would be needed to resolve inderlying
> expression of UnresolvedComputedColumn are marked as @Internal.
> On the other hand the deprecated "getSchema" has a proper type for this
> ComputedColumn.
> I'm wondering now, what should I do. Should I use the deprecated API that
> has what I need already or should I use suggested API and somehow try to
> resolve the type using @Internal classes which also does not seems safe.
> I would appreciate for any hint here.
> [1]
> https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.16/docs/dev/table/sql/create/#:~:text=BIGINT%2C%20%60name%60%20STRING)-,Computed%20Columns,-Computed%20columns%20are

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